Bulletin Announcements – If you would like an announcement to be communicated to the church members, email the church office. The deadline to submit announcements is Wednesday 5:00 PM.

Newsletter Announcements – If you would like an announcement to be communicated to the church members email the church office. The deadline to submit announcements is Tuesdays 5:00 PM.

Please ensure that you correctly fill out each field in every form you submit. Avoid adding spaces before your entries and use a valid email address and phone number when required. If you receive an error message, review your entries and resubmit the form or check your email for a follow up message. We aim to ensure a smooth form submission process. If you encounter any issues, please notify us at webmaster@mosaicsda.org.

Sign up for Newsletter!
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Please fill out this form to request access to the Mosaic Church Directory. By gaining access, you consent for your basic contact information to be included (Name, Phone, and Email). When your invitation is sent you will have 3 days to set up your account, or else you request access again.
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Your Name
Check all that apply:
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This reservation request is for:
Activity Coordinator (Your Name):
Mark the room(s) needed:
Need the church door unlocked?
Cancellations/Changes of Events - Please remember to notify the church office if you are changing the date or canceling a church event, meeting, training, care group or video recording. This will keep our church calendar up to date and allow another ministry to book the room(s).

Please check the calendar when planning an event to avoid any conflicts.

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Is this event for:
Event Coordinator:
Need the church door unlocked?
Mark the rooms needed for the event:
Resources Requested (If Available)
Event Advertising (If available)
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Two key options:
Sign by typing your initials to commit.
Sign by typing your initials to commit.
Sign by typing your initials to commit.
Please download and fill out the form and submit it to the church office. The form should be submitted 5-7 days prior to use. To get started please click this link Borrowing Church Furniture Procedures
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Destination Address:
Event Coordinator:
Proposed Start or Departure:
Proposed End or Return:
Event Advertising Request (If available)
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In which room or area of the church is maintenance needed?
Please briefly describe the problem.
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Full Name:
Type of Event:
Check all that apply:
Please help the nominating committee identify the areas where you believe God has blessed you with spiritual gifts to serve your church family. The committee deals with all leadership positions except Sabbath school teachers, who are recommended by the Sabbath school council and approved by the church board. Indicate your desire to serve by checking the checkbox on the line next to the ministry position(s) you would like to be considered for by the nominating committee. Each ministry is briefly described.
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I am interested in serving my church family in the following areas (Select as many as apply):
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Must be 21 yrs. older and a member of Mosaic Christian Fellowship SDA Church

Name of Person Requesting Use of Van
Name of Person Driving Van (if different from person requesting the van):
Is the driver 21 yrs. or older:
Does the Driver have a valid Driver's License and in good standing:
Are you member of Mosaic Christian Fellowship SDA Church:
Date Picking up the Van:
Date Returning the Van:
Checks are requested once a week. Please arrange with the church treasurer or church office if you need reimbursement sooner than a week.
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Make Check Payable to:
Your Email Address:
Please make sure a scan of any/all receipts are attached.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 20 files.
Please upload images or scans of receipts here.
*Reimbursement checks are not usually mailed out. Please specify if you want to have the reimbursement check mailed to you by placing a check mark in the box below.
Your Mailing Address
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Destination Address:
Event Coordinator:
Proposed Start or Departure:
Proposed End or Return:
(Minimum of 2 required)
Separate names with a comma.
Have all chaperones/adults (18 yrs. and older) completed Sterling Volunteers Backgoround Check?
If no, they must complete the background check at least 5 days prior to the event. Contact the church office to arrange this.
Sign your name here.
Sign your name here.
Event Advertising Request (If available)



  • Submit Trip Itinerary and Event Coordinator contact information to Church Board and
  • Two Adults in all vehicles for driving and supervision (Minimum of two adults required – Additional
    supervision based on the risk)
    • There should be a female adult if female youth are in the vehicle.
    • There should be a male adult if male youth are in the vehicle.
  • Permission and Medical Release Forms (All children under Age 18)[DOWNLOAD HERE]
  • Submit a copy of each driver's license and car insurance to the church office if using personal vehicles.

Qualified Supervision for the type of the activity

  • First Aid Trained adults with group
  • First Aid Kit
  • Emergency Plan provided for the activity
  • Safety Equipment Available for All Participants (Life Jackets, Safety Gear, Helmets, Knee and
    Elbow Pads, etc.)
  • Cell Phones
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 16 files.
Type Name to Sign
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Select delivery method: