Children’s, Youth & Young Adult Ministries


The Adventurer Club is a Seventh-day Adventist-sponsored club for children grades 1–4. This ministry supports parents in the task of developing happy little followers of Christ through fun, skills, and study.


The Pathfinders’ mission is to be a friend and companion to their fellow man and to glorify God through service to Him and others. They are striving to develop the whole person – spiritual, physical, and mental. Ages 10–15.

Master Guides

Master Guides is a youth leadership ministry for ages 16 and older. They serve as leaders strengthening Adventurers, Pathfinders, and youth ministries within our church, and as missionaries reaching out to young people in our community and beyond. We train youth leaders to inspire, encourage, and empower young people to become ambassadors for God in every walk of their lives

Youth Ministry

You’ve heard it said a thousand times, “The Youth is the future of the church.” But the reality is that they are not the future, they are an integral part of the church right now. From Children’s Ministries to Youth Ministries to our Young Adults, our desire is to create an environment where the younger generations can grow spiritually, socially, and develop a Christ-like character. At Mosaic Christian Fellowship, we are dedicated to this mission. We have a variety of activities where this is encouraged. This can be experienced in Adventist Youth vespers services, outreach activities, our game nights and beyond. As was said of Jesus…Come and See! We want to welcome you to our church family!

Adult Sabbath School Classes

Traditional Classes #1 & 2

An inspirational Adventist class that promotes the sharing of ideas.
Locations: Back-side of the Sanctuary and Front Right-side of the Sanctuary.

Ladies’ Class

Sharing lives and highlights from the quarterly in a warm, interactive way.

Contemporary Class

Paul Krueger and Ty Ramsey teach a friendly and open discussion of the quarterly.

Spanish Language Class

Hermano Rios facilita la clase enseñando la leccion de una manera dinamica y tradicional. Location: Meeting room next to the baptistery.

Young Adults Class

Be inspired by the story of scripture as we look at how its narratives hold relevance for your life.

Children’s Sabbath School Classes

Youth (16–18)
Earliteens (13–15)
Juniors (10–12)
Primary (7–9)
Kindergarten (4–6)
Cradle Roll (0–3)